Sep 2Liked by Lindsay Mack

Absolutely gorgeous nourishment and support. Brimming over.

The last few ddays have been somewhat of a 'what the actual fuck' energetically.

Let's just say that your post helped my land back in okness. ❤️

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Ylva, thank you for your beautiful words and for this affirmation — truly the last few days/week or so (including this New Moon) can kick rocks! I’m so glad this helped 🩷

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Sep 3Liked by Lindsay Mack

Thank you so much for this, Lindsay. Listening to the podcast and reading this, I keep thinking about the song "Movin' Right Along" from The Muppet Movie. Kermit and Fozzie are together. Sometimes they get turned around but they're on their way, and they're going to get there eventually.


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Perfect, perfect song!! Thank you for sharing, for being here, and for listening ❤️

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Golly! What an interesting collection of cards: seven of pentacles (card of the month) , eight of cups (support), the tower ( sweetness and space!), ace of swords (to lay down), page of swords (to reach for more).

So— change is on its way. No choice but to be patient with the shifts — and find / offer myself the sweetness — which could be the change itself. But how to lay down the ace of swords and reach for the page?

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I pulled The Chariot, The Moon, 8 of Wands, and 6 of Pentacles. There is so much transformation happening right now - I am newly the parent of a Kindergartener, am trying to address some longstanding challenges at work, and I am speaking at a professional conference for the first time.

I am having so much contraction around balancing parenting and work, alongside questions about my worthiness of this platform while at the same time having such an expansive opportunity to contribute to a movement I care about. It’s humbling and overwhelming. This brings welcome medicine to trust that I am where I need to be today, even though several tomorrows from now I may have new learnings.

Thank you again for your generosity in creating such powerful spreads and spaciousness for exploring and deepening intuitive knowing.

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