✨ I’m so excited to announce that Three of Cups -- my brand new, virtual Soul Tarot community connection space -- is opening its doors in one week, on January 7th! Check it out here!
✨ If you're looking for a beautiful channeled download for 2025 and beyond, look no further than The Threshold, which is available for purchase at a lil discount! To sign up or learn more, click here!
Happy 2025, loves! This is our ✨bonus✨ Monthly Medicine missive, an extra dose of channeled goodness to compliment the January Monthly Medicine download on Tarot for the Wild Soul podcast!
The theme for the month of January is Bearing Witness
Energetically speaking, January is just as complex as December was.
It's full of layers, twists and turns, and really strong (and potentially sorrowful) collective invitations. How do we work with everything that January is handing us? We can bear witness. We can let it all be here -- all of the joy and sorrow, all of the heaviness and the lightness, all of the challenging things and all of the lovely things.
This month, we are in process in so many areas. We might not be where we thought we would be. Things might not be moving as quickly as we’d hoped. We’re still getting a sense of our boundaries and bearings. What feels like a yes to us? What feels like a no, or a not right now?
One of the most important things to hold close to our hearts is that we are growing and changing, even if it doesn't feel like it.
Soul Tarot Reading for January:
Card for the month ahead: THREE OF PENTACLES Rx
How the month will feel to us: THE SUN
Deepest lesson of the month ahead: FIVE OF SWORDS
What we’re being invited to pay attention to most: JUSTICE
What do we personally need: WHEEL OF FORTUNE Rx
Aligned action to take, if any: TWO OF WANDS
Diving Deeper: Bonus Collective Soul Tarot Reading for JANUARY
How to best work with the energy of the month ahead: Five of Pentacles
January is a fairly contractive month, and one of the best and most graceful ways to work with it is to first acknowledge the presence of said contraction.
Contraction isn’t a constant presence, nor is it necessarily indicative of a wholly challenging cycle ahead. There will certainly be turmoil and difficulty in January – how much of it and what kind remains to be seen. The acute aspect of the contraction in January is rooted in the fact that we’re mentally ready to grow beyond where we currently are, but we might feel somewhat stuck in our present circumstances. We want to leap, fly, move into something newer, fresher, more aligned, and those things may not be coming as quickly as we want them to. When we’re being rooted in misaligned energy, or dragged back into bullshit that we don’t agree with or consent to, it creates a lot of challenge, to say the least. So the first way that we can easefully work with January is to bear witness to the fact that it is and likely will be somewhat prickly (and temporary).
Five of Pentacles is not necessarily a card of financial destitution/ruin, or of immense earthly challenges, as it often tends to be depicted as. It can show up in those difficult times, but in my humble experience, it’s not often the case that it does. It tends to show up when we are scared or worried that we won’t have what we need when we need it (even if, in fact, we actually have everything we need). That fear isn’t necessarily always the truth, so it’s important to really check in with ourselves when this card shows up: okay, there’s some fear here. Is the fear true? Just because it might have been true in the past doesn’t mean it’s true today. Even if it’s not true, can I enfold this fear in my arms and tend to it?
Five of Pentacles also tends to show up to remind us that what we are longing for, looking for, or needing is on its way to us, even if it doesn’t feel like it. This card really lights a candle and holds a beautiful space for us around our big dreams and visions that don’t currently align with our lived experiences. It is here to help to remind us that just because it’s not in our hands today doesn’t mean that it won’t be, or that it isn’t on its way.
The best way to work with January is to remember that we don’t have all of the information yet – we aren’t finished yet. When you find yourself in assumptions, in story, in belief, pause and get curious.
What kind of support can we call upon for the month ahead: Eight of Wands and Nine of Wands
One big message that seems to be coming through strongly both in this reading and in the January Monthly Medicine download on Tarot for the Wild Soul podcast is a reminder that goodness and joy are present with us, and that more aligned circumstances are en route in varying ways. Holding that wish and vision close to us may be of great support this month and beyond.
Eight of Wands is holding this space for us in a big way. Any Eight card in the Tarot shows up when big changes are afoot, when things are flowing strongly in a new direction. Eight of Wands specifically is about change that is already set in motion, whether we are aware of it or not. Knowing that, how do we hold ourselves? How do we tend to our nervous systems, temper our excitement, and work with our disappointment that it’s not arriving faster? This card is holding space for a deeper, bigger vision. We don’t necessarily have all of the answers right now, and things are still unfolding. We’re being asked to be patient, and to trust in that to the best of our ability, which is no small thing.
Nine of Wands is a gentle but persistent invitation to find more spaces and pockets for deep rest. This card often shows up in seasons when we’re actually working very hard, and when a big, luxurious vacation or stretch of time off might not be accessible or within reach for us. Instead, we’re invited to get a little more creative with our rest. It might be a season where we’re catching catnaps, stolen moments, and afternoons off. If we can make more space for that, it will be hugely supportive for us, too.
What can we reach for and open to more of this month: Nine of Cups
The thing that we’re being invited to reach for more of in January is hope, as impossible or challenging as it might seem. The card that can help us get there is Nine of Cups.
Nine of Cups is whispered prayers, fevered longings uttered into wells, into palms, onto stars. It is our heart’s desire, and deep wishes that come from the very soul of us. For fairly obvious reasons, it can be a profoundly vulnerable, exquisitely tender energy.
In spite of everything happening in the world and in our lives, we are still being invited to long for the things we desire, and to wish for a better world. As foolish and silly as it might seem, Nine of Cups is that seed of hope that drives the world forward in spite of all of the challenges we might be experiencing.
This January, we’re being invited to stay closely tethered to Nine of Cups, and to our big longings. As hard or difficult or vulnerable as it might seem, it is the most important thing to reach for, and stay open to this month.
Bearing Witness to Ourselves: A Tarot Spread for JANUARY
My card for the month ahead:
What wants to be witnessed and honored in my life right now?
How can I give more of my attention to what wants to be witnessed?
What support would I need to be able to do this?
Holy shit, I'm blown away by this. Thank you. In addition to the things I talked about in prep for my recorded reading with you, I just had a blackwater leak in my apartment and am being displaced (hopefully only temporarily) for the third time in a year, twice in this complex alone. Defo feeling 5P and others. But 8 of Wands, 9 of Cups and even the Sun have shown up in personal readings too these past months and call my attention. Knowing Jupiter in Cancer (my rising sign) is 159 days away also helps. I am struggling deeply, but even in my darkest moments, I do find a spark of hope somewhere. Hermit actually can feel hopeful to me. I loved what you said on the pod about how moving through Hermit is like trying to see via candlelight. I personally feel the Hermit is visually impaired. Haha I'm biased, but when I could see a little better, I still only could see the next step in front of me. What's beyond that lantern is unknown or less known to us, and so MLK's quote comes to mind about how faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. That's a lot like living with a visual impairment. It can be scary and lonely sometimes for that literal reason among more metaphorical and political ones. But when moving through contraction, I was told once that all you have to do is take the next right step. All you have to do is breathe. Now all you have to do is get out of bed. Now all you have to do is make the chai ... and so on. And I don't say this in disservice to darkness. I think the world is too afraid of darkness, which is why I (carefully) observed the eclipse last April when many of my teachers would encourage going to ground during such an energetic outage. Darkness can be bad, depending, but isn't always; and yet light, ranging from a spark to a blazing sunrise over the water, has always signified hope to me. Hermit, by nature of Virgo's mutability, would seem then to hold both things in the balance.
Hi Lindsay, I would like to know what difference is there between this substack community and the new mighty community ? It seems to essentially be the same - q&a's, spreads, people gathered ? I'm trying to be mindful of what I subscribe to, and since both have a cost, I feel like I should be informed about my choice :) Thank you !